Dear Reader,
I have noticed that stories of abuse—stories of the resulting internal anguish and self-destruction and intense emotional struggle—are a dime a dozen. I understand this. As I learned myself, capturing your story on paper can be an incredibly cathartic experience. However, I have also realized that many of these stories are exactly that—catharsis. Nothing more.
I wrote Von Zeppelin to the Other Side for the same reason so many others in abusive situations begin to write—for the plain stinking therapeutic value. Writing made me feel alive again. It became a way to silently combat the horrific situation I had found myself in.
Part of the morbid beauty of abuse is that it teaches you to be silent.
Writing was my way to speak out…even if the voice began as something small and faint. In time, my voice grew stronger. The whisper became a shout. This project spiraled out into something so much more than I ever imagined it being. No longer was this something that could simply help me. It was something that could help others!
Von Zeppelin to the Other Side is the story of my hope, my perseverance, and my triumph. Along the way, I explore the slimy innards that make abuse so disgusting, the beauty of positive thinking, and a love for America that got me through the darkest days of my life. My hope is for readers to feel like the sun is shining on them as they soar through my thoughts, struggles, and triumphs in a tidy stream-of-consciousness package. As I find the beauty in the mess, I know that readers will be inspired to do the same in their own lives and in our great country.
Since my escape from the abusive lifestyle that bound me, I have become a regular contributor to The Sean Hannity Show, and I have connected with such various and disparate individuals as Jacob Jordon, Stephen Kruiser, Adam Sturn, Henry D’Andrea, and Ritchie Laxton. I have also worked alongside Terry Hitchcock (, one of the most inspirational writers and motivators in America today, as he has guided me and helped me to build my platform.
I look forward to sharing my journey with you, and I look forward to sharing my journey with the world!
As Winston Churchill said: “Never never never never never never never give up.”
Bella Dangelo
To order your signed copy of her book "Von Zeppelin to the Other Side" today,
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