Tuesday, January 18, 2011

A message to Team Bella from Bella Dangelo

Dear Team Bella,

I just wanted to thank everyone for your help, guidance and interest. I have never embarked on such a huge vision. I am learning as I am going. I am grateful to have been connected to all of you and have learned much from you all. If there is anything that I can do to give back let me know. Pay it forward.

One valuable lesson learned out of the starting gate. New team members will disagree, the most professional approach is "One on One" to resolve the conflict. One also needs to question motives when we are publicly attacked.

Also, I have no problem with criticism and questions, ask me anything. I stand beside, along and in front of me. I hide from nothing and have nothing to hide from. I am unedited, raw and gutsy as hell. There is only truth on this one's tattoo...

God Bless everyone and our Joined Mission to Fight To Win Back our Life and Liberty. Bring back the Big Girl to her Core Values, The Constitution, Bill of Rights, Ten Commandments.

God Fearing God Loving, AMEN

Lock and Load Point and Click... Direct... there is no other way out of the fog and into the LIGHT OF FREEDOM


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